
The Northeast Neighborhood Association


Listed below are links to resources and valuable contacts for our friends and neighbors. Please Check them out!

The City of Olympia’s Official Website -Including public meetings schedules, area events, local history, maps and much more.

Thurston County’s Official Website -Voter and elections information, community safety and jury duty information can all be found here.

The Olympia Police Department -Including crime prevention information, crime statistics, sex offender notices, volunteering opportunities and upcoming events.

The Olympian Newspaper -Local Events, News & Weather

The Thurston County Conservation District -Learn more about preserving native plants and wildlife in our area.

The Olympia School District’s Website -Including links and information for all OSD schools.

The Bigelow Highlands Neighborhood Association’s Website -Our neighboring neighborhood! With links to neighborhood events, news and people.

The Mollie B. Oxford House -Located at 1203 Olympia Ave NE, The Mollie B. Oxford house is a self-run, self-supported recovery house. Please click through the link to find out more about how you can help.

KGY Radio -Olympia’s local radio station. Broadcasting on 1240 AM and 96.9 FM

Ralph’s Thriftway -Our neighborhood grocery store.

Please don’t forget to use you Community Care Card when shopping at Ralph’s or Bayview. Stormans Inc contributes 1% of your grocery bill to your neighborhood association, which helps to fund neighborhood improvement projects, our annual potluck, newsletters and other mailings as well as this web site. If you would like a Ralph’s Community Care Card, please email us at [email protected] to receive a free card. Thank you for your support!